Revision History - Google Fiber Network Management
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Changes to "Special Information Regarding Wi-Fi Routers"; References to "fiber optic" removed.
A new section has been posted called "Information About Google Fiber Phone Service".
Terminology change: "gigabit firewall" replaced with just "firewall".
Minor phrasing changes plus removal of term saying that Google Fiber provides a TV Box.
Phrasing update
Updated means of contacting Google Fiber.
Major changes throughout.
This is the initial version that ParanoidPaul captured. It is not necessarily the first version of the document.

	 Google Fiber is committed to providing an excellent user experience that supports any lawful product, service, or application that our subscribers choose to access through their Google Fiber Internet Service in compliance with our Terms of Service and other policies. To do so, Google Fiber will engage in reasonable network management practices. We will make available the full text of the network management policy for Google Fiber Internet Service before our network becomes operational. But, until then, we wanted to provide some key information about our practices.  

 	 We will not unfairly advantage products from Google Inc., nor will we prevent the use of any other product or service that our subscribers choose to access over their Google Fiber Internet Service as long as the use of that product or service does not violate our Terms of Service or other policies. 
 	 We will not engage in deep packet inspection or any network management practice that would necessarily favor a particular application, content, or service. 
 	 In times of network congestion, bandwidth will be fairly allocated among our subscribers without regard to our subscriber’s online activities or the protocols or applications that our subscribers are using. 
 	 We will take steps to protect against security threats like denial of service attacks or viruses, and to protect our subscribers from online threats like spam and phishing.

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