Revision History - Buyer Policy
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Several new changes throughout.
References to "Etsy Studio" have been removed.
Changes under "Leaving a review and an item".
Changes under "Etsy's Case System".
Changes under "Etsy's Case System" concerning items not as described.
Several clarifications made throughout.
Direct Checkout renamed to "Etsy Payments".
References to Etsy Studio added.
The paragraph about Interference has been modified under the section "Communicating with Other Etsy Members".
A new section has been added entitled "Creating and Uploading Content".
The section on "Creating and Uploading Content" has been removed; Terminology updates.
A new section has been added called "Creating and Uploading Content".
A completely new version has been published.
Minor phrasing changes.
Etsy does not "protect transactions that are completed off of Etsy or in person".
This is the initial version that ParanoidPaul captured. It is not necessarily the first version of the document.
Indicates that the document has been updated silently, without a change to the posted "last modified" date!

	When you buy from a shop on Etsy, you’re directly supporting an independent business. Because each shop on Etsy is unique, policies, payment methods, processing times, gift card acceptance, and shipping methods will vary from shop to shop. If you have a question about an item or an order, you should contact the shop directly using Conversations.  

	We ask that shops meet Etsy’s standards of customer service and honor their own policies. After you’ve purchased an item, you can leave a review. If you have a problem with an order and are unable to reach a resolution with the seller, you can use Etsy’s case system.   

	In order to have the best experience on Etsy, be sure to read shop policies and listings carefully. Keep in mind that we do not protect transactions that are completed off of Etsy.

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