Revision History - Community Policy
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A new version has been posted with several changes throughout.
Several changes including a new section entitled "Etsy Local".
New rules added.
A completely new version has been published.
A completely new version has been published.
Minor update: link renamed to "Blog and the Seller Handbook".
This is the initial version that ParanoidPaul captured. It is not necessarily the first version of the document.

	Etsy members can use community spaces to inspire each other, share and discuss ideas, and build independent creative businesses. Community spaces include the Forums, Teams, the Etsy Blog and the Seller Handbook, and Treasuries.   

	To make sure that Etsy continues to be a place that’s safe and respectful, we ask that you: 

	 Be over 18 years old in order to participate in community spaces. 
 	 Use Conversations to facilitate business. Don't use Conversations to spam or harass others.  
 	 Respect other members’ privacy. Private or personally identifying information should not be shared in public areas of the site. 
 	 Don’t use any of the tools or features on Etsy to interfere with another member’s business. 
 	 Be respectful. Content posted in community spaces must not promote, support, or glorify hatred. Read more. 

	As a member of the community, you have the opportunity to flag an item or a shop that doesn’t meet Etsy Guidelines. Flagging is confidential. 


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