Revision History - Privacy Policy
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Terms added under "Third-Party Advertising" about some of your information being shared.
The introductory paragraph on TRUSTe's Privacy Seal has been removed; A new section has been added entitled "Dispute Resolution".
The physical mailing address has been updated.
This is the initial version that ParanoidPaul captured. It is not necessarily the first version of the document.

	eHarmony has been awarded TRUSTe's Privacy Seal signifying that this privacy policy and practices have been reviewed by TRUSTe for compliance with TRUSTe's program requirements including transparency, accountability and choice regarding the collection and use of your personal information. The TRUSTe program covers only information that is collected through this Web site,, our mobile site and our eharmony mobile applications. TRUSTe's mission, as an independent third party, is to accelerate online trust among consumers and organizations globally through its leading privacy trustmark and innovative trust solutions. If you have questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact us at If you are not satisfied with our response you can contact TRUSTe here.  

	This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices of eHarmony, Inc. and all websites owned or operated by eHarmony, Inc. and its subsidiaries and corporate affiliates. 

 	 What Information We Collect
 	 How We Collect and Use Information
 	 Mobile Device Additional Terms
 	 Disclosure of Your Information to Third Parties
 	 Third-Party Advertising
 	 Age Restrictions
 	 Links to or Access from Other Sites
 	 Updating Your Information
 	 Data Retention
 	 Contacting the Website
 	 Acceptance of Privacy Statement



	The types of information that we collect fall under two general categories: personally identifiable information (PII) and non-personally identifiable information (non-PII). PII consists of any information which can be used to specifically identify you as an individual, whereas non-PII consists of aggregate information or any information that does not reveal your identity. The following sections describe how your PII and non-PII are collected by us, and how we use such information.   


	 Log Files. Any time you visit any of our websites, our servers automatically gather information from your browser (such as your IP addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks) to analyze trends, administer the site, prevent fraud, track visitor movement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information. For example, we may log your IP address for system administration purposes. IP addresses are logged to track a user’s session. This gives us an idea of which parts of our site users are visiting. We do not share the log files externally. 

	 Cookies. We use “cookies” to keep track of some types of information while you are visiting our website or using our services. Cookies are very small files placed on your computer, and they allow us to count the number of visitors to our website and distinguish repeat visitors from new visitors. They also allow us to save user preferences and track user trends. We rely on cookies for the proper operation of our website; therefore if your browser is set to reject all cookies, the website will not function properly. Users who refuse cookies assume all responsibility for any resulting loss of functionality. We do not link the cookies to any PII.

	 Web Beacons. “Web beacons” (also known as “clear gifs” and “pixel tags”) are small transparent graphic images that are often used in conjunction with cookies in order to further personalize our website for our users and to collect a limited set of information about our visitors. We may also use web beacons in email communications in order to understand the behavior of our customers. We do not link the web beacons to any PII.

	 Mobile Analytics. We use mobile analytics software to allow us to better understand the functionality of our mobile software on your phone. This software may record information such as how often you use the application, the events that occur within the application, aggregated usage, performance data, and where the application was downloaded from. We do not link the information we store within the analytics software to any PII you submit within the mobile application. 

	 Information About You. When you register or subscribe to any of our services, we collect a wide variety of information about you. For our Singles service, for example, you provide us with answers to our proprietary questionnaire, and we use your answers to build a personality profile for you and to match you with other compatible singles. Your individual responses to the questions about your personality in our questionnaire will be held strictly confidential, while other non-PII about yourself (such as first name, occupation, height, etc.) will be used to build your "My Profile." We may also display your marital status and most recent log-in date and other profile/account information to your matches. Finally, for interactive content and community services such as Advice where you may choose to have a public profile, we may display your information to other community members and visitors. You may choose to provide us with your photo(s) or video(s) and by providing us such content, you agree that we may make them available to your matches and users of eHarmony’s services. Except as otherwise stated in this privacy statement, we do not disclose your PII to your matches or other users of our services.

	 Purchase Information. To process purchases, we may require your name, address, phone number, email address and credit card information. Such information is used primarily to process your order or as otherwise described herein. Credit card transactions are processed through industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and/or strong encryption (3DES) by a third party, which only uses your information for that purpose.

	 E-mails and Telephone Calls. We require an e-mail address from you when you register for our services. We use your e-mail for both transactional (e.g., order confirmation, refund and renewal processing, notifying of matches for our Singles service) and promotional (e.g., newsletters, new product offerings, special discounts, event notifications, special third-party offers) purposes. E-mail messages we send you may contain code that enables our database to track your usage of the e-mails, including whether the e-mail was opened and what links (if any) were clicked. If you would rather not receive promotional e-mails from us, please see the section below labeled “Choice/Opt-Out”. We reserve the right to send you certain communications relating to the eHarmony services, such as service announcements and administrative messages, without offering you the opportunity to opt out of receiving them. We may also contact you by telephone or text message (including to any wireless number you may provide to us) solely in connection with eHarmony’s services. If you would rather not receive telephone calls or text messages from us, you may change or delete your number from your account preferences page(s), or ask to be removed from our contact list if you receive a call or text message from us. We fully comply with the requirements of the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act. 

	 Mobile Device If you use a mobile device to access our site or download any of our applications, we may collect device information (such as your mobile device ID, model and manufacturer), operating system and version information, and IP address. We collect your geolocational information only upon your consent. 

	 Demographic Data. Demographic data is also collected at our site. We use this data to tailor our visitors’ experience at our site, showing them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences. Some of this information may be shared with advertisers on a non-personally identifiable basis.

	 Online Survey Data. We may periodically conduct voluntary member surveys. We encourage our members to participate in such surveys because they provide us with important information regarding the improvement of our services. You may also volunteer for certain surveys that we may offer to our users, and any additional rules regarding the conduct of such surveys will be disclosed to you prior to your participation. We do not link the survey responses to any PII, and all responses are anonymous. 

	 Information Regarding Your Friends. We encourage you to refer a friend to our Singles service by sending us a friend’s name and email address. We will keep this information in our database, and send that person a one-time e-mail containing your name and inviting them to visit our site. This e-mail will also include instructions on how to remove their information from our database. You agree that you will not abuse this feature by entering names and addresses of those who would not be interested in eHarmony’s services. For some of our services, you may also give gift memberships to your friends, in which case we will use your friends’ e-mail address that you provide in order to deliver the gift.

	 Public Forums. Our Advice blog contains posts which are relevant to dating and relationships and is available to our users and visitors. Any information that is disclosed in the comments section of any Advice post becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any PII. Please consult the community guidelines for each eHarmony discussion board when posting comments on them for other specific information. To request removal of your personal information from our blog, contact us at In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so. 

	 Use for Research. In addition to the uses outlined above, by using our site, you agree to allow us to anonymously use the information from you and your experiences to continue our research into successful relationships. This research, conducted by psychologists and behavior research scientists, may be published in academic journals. However, all of your responses will be kept anonymous, and no PII will be published. You can find out more about the standards we follow in conducting scientific research by clicking here.


	 Mobile Device If you use a mobile device to access our site or download any of our applications, we may collect device information (such as your mobile device ID, model and manufacturer), operating system and version information, and IP address. 

	 Geo-Location Information. We do not ask you for, access or track any location-based information from your mobile device at any time while downloading or using our Mobile Apps or services. 

 	 Push Notifications. We send you push notifications if you choose to receive them for notifying you of matches for our singles service, letting you know when someone has sent you a message, or for other service-related matters. If you wish to opt-out from receiving these types of communications you may turn them off at the device level. 


	 Disclosure to Your Matches. . As an integral part of providing the eHarmony service, we will disclose your profile information to your matches. Photos and other profile information posted by you will be available to subscribers that are matched with you. We may also make features available enabling your matches to share your profile information, including photos, with members of their social network(s). We never share your contact information with your matches.

	 Disclosure By Law. You acknowledge and agree that we may disclose information you provide if required to do so by law, at the request of a third party, or if we, in our sole discretion, believe that disclosure is reasonable to (1) comply with the law, requests or orders from law enforcement, or any legal process (whether or not such disclosure is required by applicable law); (2) protect or defend eHarmony’s, or a third party’s, rights or property; or (3) protect someone’s health or safety, such as when harm or violence against any person (including you) is threatened. 

	 Disclosure to Protect Abuse Victims. Notwithstanding any other provision of this privacy statement or our Terms and Conditions of Service, we reserve the right, but have no obligation, to disclose any information that you submit to the services, if in our sole opinion, we suspect or have reason to suspect, that the information involves a party who may be the victim of abuse in any form. Abuse may include, without limitation, elder abuse, child abuse, spousal abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. Information may be disclosed to authorities that we, in our sole discretion, deem appropriate to handle such disclosure. Appropriate authorities may include, without limitation, law enforcement agencies, child protection agencies, or court officials. You hereby acknowledge and agree that we are permitted to make such disclosure.

	 Disclosure to Trusted Third Parties By Us. We may share your non-PII with third parties, but not in a manner that would reveal your identity. We may share your PII, sometimes in conjunction with your non-PII, with service providers that may be associated with us to perform functions on our behalf. For example, outsourced customer care agents or technology assistants may need access to your information to perform services for you. Your information will be treated as private and confidential by such service providers and not used for any other purpose than we authorize. In addition, from time to time, we may share PII (such as e-mail or mailing address) about our user base with carefully selected third parties, so they can offer goods and services that we believe may be of interest to our users. If you do not wish to receive offers from our trusted partners, you can change your e-mail preferences at any time by following the steps outlined in the “Choice/Opt-Out” section below.

	 Disclosure to Trusted Third Parties at Your Request. When purchasing an eHarmony subscription or while visiting our site, we may provide you with advertisements, promotions, sweepstakes and offers from third party providers. If you choose to accept any such offers, you may either (depending on the situation) directly provide your information in connection with the offer to such third party provider, or we will provide your information, including billing information, to the third party provider by pre-populating the offer registration forms. Your information will not be transferred until you actually accept the offer. You may opt-out of the offer at any time up until this point. Please refer to the third party provider’s own privacy policy (provided on the offer pages) if you have any questions regarding how your information is used by such providers. Please be aware that these offers may be presented on pages framed by an eHarmony website. We do this to provide a seamless experience. Although these offer pages have the look and feel of our websites, you will be submitting your information directly to the third-party advertiser. You agree that we will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings, including the sharing of the information you supply to us with third party providers described here, or as the result of the presence of such providers on an eHarmony site.

 	 Search Engine. Some portions of your profile may be available to search engine crawlers and therefore may appear in internet search results, but no PII (e.g., last name, photos) will be included in such search results. Because your submissions to the In My Words sections of your profile may be publicly available, we strongly encourage you not to disclose PII or contact information in such areas of your profile.

	 Information Transferred As a Result of Sale of Business. As we develop our business, we may buy or sell assets and, depending on the transaction, your PII may be one of the transferred assets. In the event that we are acquired by another company, your PII may be part of the assets transferred to the acquiring party. If this occurs, you will be notified if there are any material changes to the way your PII is collected or used.


	We may use third-party advertising agencies or other service providers to serve ads on our website on behalf of eHarmony or third-party advertisers (e.g., retailers of goods or services). These companies may employ cookies and web beacons to measure advertising effectiveness. Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and web beacons is completely anonymous. Some of these third-party advertising agencies may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative, which offers you the option to opt out of ad targeting from its member agencies by following the procedures listed here. 

	Third Parties, with whom we partner to display advertising based upon your web browsing activity, use Flash cookies to collect and store information. Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of, and how data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser will not remove Flash cookies. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for Flash cookies click here:  

	We will only share your information with third parties in the ways defined in this privacy statement.   


	Our age restrictions for different services are set forth in each applicable Terms and Conditions of Service. We do not target our sites or services to children under the age of 13, and in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, any information we may receive from users we believe to be under the age of 13 will be purged from our database.   


	We have extensive security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information stored in our database. These measures include the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and/or strong encryption (3DES) technology during credit card transactions and administrative access to site data, as well as other proprietary security measures which are applied to all repositories and transfers of user information. We will exercise reasonable care in providing secure transmission of information between your computer and our servers, but given that no information transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed 100% secure, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to us over the Internet and hence accept no liability for any unintentional disclosure.   


	You may be able to access your account or content of your account from third party sites, such as social networking sites, by way of various applications. The privacy policies and practices of such sites in connection with information you disclose on such sites may differ from the practices of eHarmony as set forth in this privacy statement, and you should review their policies and practices to ensure that the privacy of the information you submit on their site does not conflict with and is consistent with how you wish your information to be treated. Such sites may also place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personal information from you. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices or the content of any other websites that may provide access to, or be linked to or from, this site, including that of any social networking sites and third party advertisers whose offerings require you to navigate away from our site.   


	You may use the following options for removing your information, including an unauthorized profile, from our e-mail database if you wish to opt out of receiving promotional e-mails and newsletters. 

	 Click on the “unsubscribe” link on the bottom of the e-mail;

	 Send mail to the following postal address letting us know which promotional e-mails you wish to opt-out of:
 eHarmony, Inc.
 P.O. Box 3640
Santa Monica, CA 90408 USA

	 For the eHarmony Singles service, select our Help link from your account home page and search our FAQ's to find the answer you are looking for, or send us an e-mail and our Customer Care agents will be happy to assist you; or

	 For any services that allow you to control which e-mails you receive, go to the e-mail settings page from your account home page, and un-check the undesired promotions.


	eHarmony provides users the following options for changing and modifying information previously submitted, , including deletion of your personal information.  

	 For the eHarmony Singles service, select our Help link from your account home page and search our FAQ's to find the answer you are looking for, or send us an e-mail and our Customer Care agents will be happy to assist you;

	 For any services where you have an account page, you may change your credit card (if applicable), e-mail address, password and other information from the account settings or preferences page; or

	 You can send mail to the postal address listed above, providing us with your account information and letting us know which information you wish to update.


	Because many users tend to use our service at different points of their relationship-seeking life, we retain your personal information for continued service and convenience purposes until you advise us not to do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may retain personal information in order to comply with applicable laws, keep accurate records, resolve disputes, prevent fraud, enforce our Terms and Conditions of Service or other agreements, or for any other legally permissible purpose.   


	If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with any eHarmony websites, you can contact: 

	Site Administrator
 eHarmony, Inc.
 P.O. Box 3640
Santa Monica, CA 90408 USA
 (855) 290-5581    


	Your use of our website(s), including any dispute concerning privacy, is subject to this privacy statement and the applicable Terms and Conditions of Service. BY USING OUR WEBSITE, YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE PRACTICES SET OUT IN THIS PRIVACY STATEMENT AND THE APPLICABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. 

	 If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement page and any other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, or by other means, such as e-mail, at our discretion. 

	Your continued use of any portion of our website following posting of the updated privacy statement will constitute your acceptance of the changes.   


	This privacy statement was last revised on May 1, 2013.   

	Copyright © 2000-2013 eHarmony, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EHARMONY, COMPATIBILITY PROFILE, COMPATIBILITY MATCHING SYSTEM, 29 DIMENSIONS, EHARMONY LABS, SECURE CALL, PROFILE ADVISOR and several other marks, colors, and images are registered and common law trademarks of eHarmony, Inc. Other trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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